Wednesday, November 6, 2013

October Happenings!

  What a way to welcome fall!  We sure have been busy with our new curriculum.  As you know, we have invested in a new program, called Mother Goose Time, which takes a different topic each month and focuses on different areas of it each week, geared toward preschoolers.  For example, this month, they learned all about the farm; different types of farms, planting seeds, who lives in a barn, what is stored in a barn, goats, cheese, milk, pigs, cows, horses and even mud!  The skills are reinforced through discussion, arts and crafts, dance and movement and stories.  The kids have also been enthusiastic about their new job chart!  Be sure to ask them what their jobs are, as they change each week.  We look forward to November to see what surprises are in store for us.

  Since it was October, we talked a little about pumpkins.  Thank you to Ellas Daddy, Jesse, for donating some golf tees to hammer into our pumpkin.  They had a blast and didn't even know they were working on their gross motor and fine motor skills!  We even had some guests try it out.  As the kids were carving pumpkins at home, they came in with some great descriptions, such as gross, smooshy, slippery seeds and eeeeeeeewe!  This is a wonderful activity to do with your 3 and 4 year old children, so if they were too small this year, next year you can go carve a pumpkin and get totally messy.......don't forget the camera!

Mr. Dave
  Our next Mr. Dave day is coming up, so please make sure you bring in $13 per child for the month of November.  Thank you so much for those of you who have cought up and those of you who have not, please do so.  Thanks again in advance.

  November has three days off.  They are November 11, November 28 and November 29.

In closing
  October was a lot of fun and full of great learning opportunities.  We look forward to November when the leaves are continuing to fall, as does the temerature.  Please do not forget to dress your child in weather appropriate clothes so we can continue venturing outside, and please do not forget jackets!

Thank you,
Wendy and Jen

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