General updates
Can you believe we are already halfway through January? This year has started off very busy and among all the craziness, we wanted to remind you of a few things. First of all, with all these colds, we want to remind you to make sure your child is getting enough sleep at night, allowing an earlier bed time so they can get enough rest. We have had a few children yawning at breakfast.
Our next reminder is about clothes. We know the weather is warmer on some days and chillier on others, so please be mindful of this. The ideal clothing during the winter for the temerature we keep our house at, is long pants and a long sleeve shirt. The bulkier sweatshirts are great for the car rides, but are too bulky for during the other parts of the day because the are getting in food and paint. We dance and do other large motor activities and the children get warm, but with a short sleeve shirt they get chilly when they take off the sweatshirt. If your child comes in one, please make sure they have a long sleeve shirt on under it.....NOT a short sleeve shirt. Thank you.
Third, we need our paperwork back. Some of you have not returned the paperwork, therefore, you have not recieved the vacations and holidays list. We have a vacation coming up, so please see Wendy with your finished paperwork. If you have lost it or need a new holidays list, please see Wendy. One of the reminders of that was that there is a rate increase beginniing February 10th, 2014. The other one was about taxes. We need to ensure that our numbers match for what you paid last year, so please contact Wendy this week. Thank you.
Last but not least, when we ask for diapers, we would like an unopened package. It is the easiest way for us to store diapers and when they are already opened, we need to ask for them sooner. We really do not want to be pains, so please help us help you.
Vacations and Holidays
Monday, January 20th (this upcoming Monday)
Monday, February 17th (Presidents Day)
Friday, February 28 through Friday, Febraury 7th (Jen has a special offer for the first 6 people to sign up, so please see her if you absolutely cannot find care for your child during that week)
Thank you,
Wendy and Jen
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