Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Welcome to our newest friend

We would like to welcome Myles to our daycare family!

Our Walk

     Today we went for walk across the street.  We sat on the steps of St. Marks School, listened to the birds and even found statues!  They also had fun trying to guess what animals made the tracks in the snow.  We had guesses anywhere from birds, dogs and cats to dinosaurs!

Just a cute picture!

Don't forget to read EVERY DAY

Mr. Dave, the music guy

Good Afternoon,
     We do many things throughout the days and weeks with the children, but on the third Thursday of every month, Mr. Dave comes for a visit.  After engaging the children in conversation for a few minutes, listening to all that the kids want to tell him that he has missed since his last visit, it is his turn to share.  He sings familiar songs, brings poems to life, teaches new songs, introduces them to music and instruments from around the world, and brings his beloved box of instruments for "free jam."  At the very end, he sings a lullaby and most of the children lay down for this relaxing song.  These are a few of the pictures from the last visit.

Valentines Day

Valentines Day was a success and the children had a blast.  Thank you everyone!

They all decorated their own cookies.

  Quinn is showing "cookie" in sign language